Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happy Sunday!

Yesterday as my father was out doing whatever it is that he does when he leaves the house, I went to work on the computer searching for a man that was a great friend of my dad's ions ago, back in the 1960's. I had suggested to my father that he try but for some odd reason, Dad thought his friend would be dead. Noticing that my father was still amongst the living, I decided to look for his friend.

(OOPS! I just heard a POP from the kitchen. It turned out to be one of the eggs I was boiling...apparently the water had boiled away and the eggshells turned colors, from a nice bright white to a dingy brownish. I peeled one and luckily, I caught them before the dinginess reached the eggs themselves. WHEW! Dad would have laughed and laughed and laughed had I proven my inability to boil eggs.)

Anyway, back to Dad's friend. It didn't take long at all to find the man so I called him (hoping it wasn't the son of a dead dad friend) and what do you know? It was the man himself. He was outside washing his car (obviously he remains in decent health) so he had to go inside. We spoke for a while as I updated him on my siblings and after a pleasant chat, I told him to call my father after 4 PM his time (he is still in the Chicago area). I waited for my father to come home and when Angelo called at the appointed time, I watched my father as he smiled and reminisced with his buddy. Eventually they got around to discussing where everyone else was. It turns out that Angelo's brother, who had been taken from Spain to Russia as a child during the early cold war when things like that were done had become a world famous director of theater productions far too numerous to mention. The brother and a sister have been found and the little family is all in touch to this day.

Angelo and his wife had planned a trip to Florida so when they get here, my father will see his long lost pal.

I did a good thing. It was fun and I want to do more! I can't tell you now because I want it to be a surprise for my father but I will eventually let you know.

Dad just woke up bitching so I have to go before he sees the eggs.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

If you've read my other... to any extent, you're aware of the perpetual mess my life has become. If you're not familiar with my other blog, it wouldn't be hard to find  with a little bit of effort.
If you care to, feel free to read my story...if not, don' really doesn't change the fact that I am offering a kidney, your choice, left or right...for a fee. I'm sure it's legal somewhere on this planet, and I'd really love to see my grandkids, have a little tiny place to call my own. That's not too much to ask and one kidney is not too high a price...I love my kids and their kids.


BTW-blood type 0 negative
